I remember how few people paid attention to water before. You type from a tap to a kettle and boil. As a result, tea is ready. However, every year there are more and more information about reducing water quality. At the same time, the Vodokanal always raises prices and does not think about the negative effect of poor -quality fluid on the human body. And with the current ecology, this approach is similar to a blow to the back from state monopolists.
It became clear that it was better to order clean water and pay a small amount of money than to use poor -quality tap. Therefore, for several years now I have been drinking tea from normal water, which is brought right to the house. It is not just convenient, but also promptly.
Moreover, before I thought there was no difference. But somehow I did not have time to order purified water and I had to drink tea from a public mulyak
As a result, I felt the difference that turned out to be very significant. Some dangerous water pours from under the tap, with a metallic flavor, while pure liquid on order has pleasant taste and does not spoil tea and coffee.
That is why I prefer to order water. Almost everyone can afford it. It makes no sense to spoil health and use water from the crane. This is especially true in moments when you open the crane and yellow rusty water pours out from there. Health is more expensive!