The French authorities want to deport from their country radical immigrants-imams, as well as to disperse all religious societies whose members are ardent traditional Catholics-that is, aggressively demonstrate signs of fanaticism.
Officials set themselves the task of identifying clericals that may pose a frank threat to France’s security. The police will be engaged in this mission, the Reuters news agency said.
The Minister of Internal Affairs of France stated us with his press conference that they were forced to take such cardinal measures to strengthen radical Islamism. The law enforcement officer, in particular, reminded of the March Blood Boyne, which was arranged by Mohamed Mer. The Toulouse shooter burst into a Jewish school and shot teachers and three children, four more people were injured in varying severity.
The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs made such a statement two days after the French president announced the creation of a special agency, whose employees are obliged to monitor compliance with the principle of separation of the state from the church.
The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs strongly emphasized that such measures will be applied not only to Muslims-Salafists, but also to groups like Civitas (the ultra-right movement of Catholics) and the extremist organization of SSPX, whose participants are actively pursuing “blasphemers”. Vandals will also be persecuted, encroaching on the monuments and cultural shrines of the country.
The October Promotion of Civitas during which activists protested against same -sex marriages in Paris became the reason for the decision to make a decision on the war with fanatics. Then Civitas attacked Ukrainian and French feminists dressed up by nuns.