The American company Yahoo is the owner of the search engine on the Internet, which is in second place in popularity. The other day, her representatives reported that the US authorities threaten the companies with a large fine in case of failure to provide data on Yahoo users. The materials of this case were first published in the newspaper Washington Post. In turn, the US Federal Court declassified about 1,500 pages of this case.
It is reported that the size of the fine can reach $ 250,000 daily. And not so long ago, the US National Safety Agency demanded that Yahoo agree with the new rules introduced to survive citizens. Moreover, this requirement was a court decision. Despite such statements, the company did not follow the instructions. Instead, Yahoo said that the surveillance rules are in contradiction with the US Constitution. As the latest news says, the company even began the trial, but to no avail. The specified information became known yesterday, thanks to the decision of the federal judge on the declassification of a number of materials. The representative of Yahoo Ron Bell stated that the publication of these materials was an “important victory for supporters of publicity”. In addition, Yahoo reports that the US government has amended the law to obtain data on users from Internet companies. The reckless step of the American government caused a lawsuit. The documents published by the Federal Court of the United States demonstrate that the conflict of Internet companies and government has been going on on this occasion for more than one year. The materials of this case were first published in the newspaper Washington Post. In turn, the US Federal Court declassified about 1,500 pages of this case.